If you are a current member of LMSA and would like to receive a copy of approved meeting minutes, please request that here. Contact If you prefer to pay by check, you may send them to LMSA, PO Box 1032, Lakeport, CA 95453 RENEWAL: Use the PayPal button to pay your annual dues. Membership Form: Name* First Last Business Name (if applicable) New or Renewal* NewRenewal Membership Choice* Business Membership $75Individual Membership $50 Physical Address (Street, City, State, Zip)* Mailing Address (If different from physical address) Phone Number(s) (Include Area Code)* Email If Business, what is your anniversary date? MM slash DD slash YYYY If a business, describe your products and/or services.* Website: Please submit a photo of your business for the complimentary website listing Max. file size: 8 MB. Where would you like to help our Association? I would like to be a Board Member I would like to volunteer for an event. I would like to volunteer for the Promotions Committee I would like to volunteer for the Design Committee Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.